OSC19 is all about workplace safety and health connections

By Abe Al-Tarawneh, Superintendent, BWC Division of Safety & Hygiene

Workplace safety and health are about connections; connecting best practices to work processes, connecting safety and health to your organization’s core values, and connecting your workforce to the resources it needs.

Every year, the Ohio Safety Congress & Expo (OSC) provides these resources to attendees during a three-day event, but the knowledge they receive lasts well beyond their brief time at OSC. Attendees take what they learn back to their businesses and use it to improve their workplaces as well as the safety and health of their employees, sharpen the quality of their products and services, and expand their productivity.

The theme for OSC, which opens today at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, is Connecting YOU to Safety & Health. This theme gets to the heart of the event – it connects Ohio employers with safety experts from all parts of the U.S., to provide the know-how to make their workplaces even safer and healthier. The Expo Marketplace – featuring more than 300 exhibitors – also connects attendees with the latest and greatest safety products and services.

The event is truly about and for YOU, the attendees. Every year we ask our attendees to complete a customer satisfaction survey. Your feedback shapes our offerings and it allows us to continuously improve our educational programming and services and thereby your experiences during the event.

Speaking of which, I want to acknowledge the hard work and dedication that go into this event each year. From our planning committees and guest speakers to the expo vendors and BWC staff, the planning, preparation and commitment from staff and volunteers results in an event I’m truly proud of, and one that makes Ohio one of the safest and best places to work and live.

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