Provider perspective: Ohio Workers’ Compensation Medical & Health Symposium in photos

We did not think it was possible – the second year was better than the first for the Ohio Workers’ Compensation Medical & Health Symposium. We increased participation with a capacity crowd of more than 400+ health-care providers.

Thank you!

We appreciate everyone who joined us for our two-day event held last week in conjunction with the Ohio Safety Congress & Expo at the Hyatt Columbus. You share our joint passion for the comprehensive care of Ohio’s injured workers.

A special thanks to the symposium’s exceptional speakers, exhibitors and participants as well as our Medical & Health Division for leading this unique, multi-disciplinary event at no cost to participants.

For ongoing learning, Ohio’s providers took advantage of continuing education opportunities designed for chiropractors, nurses, occupational and physical therapists, pharmacists, physicians, psychologists, rehabilitation counselors and case managers.

What was new this year?

In 2017 our annual symposium featured an exhibit area with 13 exhibitors who help care for Ohio’s injured workers. The exhibitors ranged from prosthetic suppliers and health-care associations to inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation facilities. In addition, we added continuing education for occupational and physical therapists, pharmacists and psychologists.

We continue to include state, national and international experts for our symposium sessions detailing best practices in caring for Ohio’s injured workers. And, we are overwhelmed by the positive comments we are receiving from symposium participants.

Now as we look forward to 2018, experience the symposium by reviewing highlights from 2017.

#BWCmhs exhibitors ready to see providers at med & health symposium!

Between sessions exhibitors visited with #BWCmhs providers.

An association exhibitor was available to answer questions about a safe medicine and responsible treatment program for providers’ patients.

Dr. Matthew Levy (center), orthopedic surgeon at Cleveland’s St. Vincent Charity Hospital answers questions after presenting Periarticular Injuries of the Lower Extremity.

Providers waiting in line to ask Dr. Atchison questions after the first session. He is a medical director for the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago who presented on managing pain and return to work early.

mhs providers in line

Dr. Ali Rezai, Director of the Neurological Institute at OSU Wexner Medical Center (center) talking with attendees after his session on Neuromodulation Advances for the Management of Chronic Disease.

Dr. William Marras, Director of OSU Spine Research Institute (left) pictured below with BWC’s Dr. Stephen Woods. Dr. Marras presented study results on the clinical lumbar motion monitor.

Dr. Nicholas U. Ahn, orthopaedic surgeon, University Hospitals of Cleveland, reviewed a recent discography study in the last session. He presented another study that examines workers’ comp patients with nonorganic pain.

Attendees on break between sessions.


Kevin T. Glennon, vice president of clinical services for One Call Care Management in Jacksonville, Florida. Glennon spoke about the work comp challenges of the aging workforce. Read a detailed blog about his presentation here.


Dr. Susan K. Blank, co-founder and chief medical officer for The Atlanta Healing Center, an outpatient treatment recovery program. Dr. Blank spoke about addiction and misuse of controlled substances. Read more in our blog Wired for addiction.


Dr. Richard W. Rosenquist, M.D., chair of the pain management department at the Cleveland Clinic, addressing the transition from acute to chronic pain.


BWC’s Dr. Brian Wilson, DC, introduces Dr. Robin A. Hunter, DC., who presented on approaches to non-opioid treatment options.


Phil LeFevre, senior vice president of business development for the Work Loss Data Institute LLC in Austin, Texas greets a seminar participant. He presented on using the Official Disability Guidelines for evidence-based care management.


Gerald Steiman, M.D., a practicing physician at Steiman Neurology Group in Columbus.He delivered a presentation on concussions.


Attendees also heard from Dr. Michael Coupland, a registered psychologist who spoke about pain in his presentation, The Psycho Neurobiology of Pain: Up Pain, Down Pain, Good Brain, Bad Brain. Check out the BWC Blog here for a review of his presentation.

See you next year!

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