Kudos to our Safety Council of the Year Awards winners!

By Michelle Francisco, BWC Safety Council Program Manager All 83 Ohio safety councils do their part to keep workers and workplaces safe in their communities. We view them all as vital partners in making Ohio a safer and healthier place to work. Each May, Ohio’s safety council sponsors and leaders meet to get the latest … Continue reading Kudos to our Safety Council of the Year Awards winners!

Darke County Safety Council sheds light on workplace safety

Get an insider’s view of an Ohio safety council By Michelle Francisco, BWC Safety Council Program Manager As many in the safety and health industry in Ohio know, BWC sponsors 82 safety councils across the state to provide a forum for accident prevention, workers’ compensation, and health and wellness information in local communities. There are … Continue reading Darke County Safety Council sheds light on workplace safety

Safety Council of the Year Awards: Stark County takes top award

By Michelle Gatchell, BWC Communications and Michelle Francisco, BWC Safety Council Program Manager On May 2, BWC held the annual Safety Council Leaders Conference in Columbus. Every safety council in the state was represented at the meeting, where ideas about program management, speakers, topics and how to reach more employers were shared. Managing a safety council … Continue reading Safety Council of the Year Awards: Stark County takes top award

Happy New Year… Reflecting on the past… Focusing on the Future

By Abe Al-Tarawneh, Superintendent, BWC Division of Safety & Hygiene For most, the end of a year and beginning of a new one serves for reflection on the past year and resolution for a better oncoming year. Last month (December) I had the privilege of presenting to the BWC Board of Directors on the Division … Continue reading Happy New Year… Reflecting on the past… Focusing on the Future

How Ohio’s safety councils embraced health and wellness

By Michelle Francisco, Ohio Safety Council Program Manager Just over a year ago, BWC challenged Ohio’s 83 safety councils to incorporate health and wellness topics into their otherwise traditional subject matter scope of safety, accident prevention and risk management. How they responded, the interest it raised and the energy it ignited may surprise you. Safety councils … Continue reading How Ohio’s safety councils embraced health and wellness